Advisory Council member

Kevin Hague

Kevin Hague co-founded, invested in and acted as an executive Director of two successful Scottish businesses, M8 Group Ltd and Endura Ltd, employing over 200 people.

His current roles include:

  • Chairman of M8 Group Ltd and recently formed UK think tank, These Islands
  • Trustee of the Gifford Community Land Company.

Kevin writes occasional columns for the Scottish Daily Record. He has gained a reputation for robust analysis of Scotland’s economy through his “Chokkablog” blog and often appears in Scottish media commentating on politics and economics.

He was previously Partner and Finance Director at OC&C Strategy Consultants., Director of Endura Ltd and non-Executive Director of Ixaris Ltd.

Views from the board

  • Scottish businesses have been too reluctant in the past to speak up about the possible implications of Scottish Independence. I believe we have a duty to find our voice in this debate, to help improve wider understanding of the likely economic implications of separating from our largest trading partner, the rest of the UK.
    — Kevin Hague